Set square

Today (because I like to keep you guessing): some images by the wonderful Paul Jefferey (I think this was our fifth shoot together) taken in a working woodworker’s workshop… Despite all the ‘work’ in that last sentence, we had lots of fun making use of various things we found in there and I think Paul wished he’d booked more time as we had plenty we still wanted to try.

So cool to mess around in different settings and locations. I love it when people put a very classical figure (moi) against something rather unexpected!

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By the way, in the last shots I’m wearing a dress my Mum made herself from scratch in the 70s. It’s full length and fits me perfectly. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Set square

  1. Your hands!!! Where did you learn to pose them? Classical paintings? Sorry for my English, I’m writing from Monterrey, Mexico.


  2. Bonjour Ella Rose. C’est toujours avec beaucoup de plaisir que je dĂ©couvre tes nouveaux shootings. Je suis vraiment très très content de mettre abonnĂ© Ă  ton site. Merci pour ce partage dĂ©licieux. FĂ©licitations pour ce travail ou Ă©motions, sensualitĂ© et beautĂ© du modèle donnent une image pure et fascinante Ă  la photographie. Bon week-end Ă  toi.


  3. Your English is perfect. I didn’t know my hands were such a striking feature in these images! I am a trained dancer and naturally care about the placement of hands. I think it can make a huge difference in imagery.


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